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The Long And Winding Road

16. 12. 2008

Obrazek Let It Be




Obrazek Let It Be ...naked




Obrazek Anthology 3




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ObrazekLove Songs








Autor: Paul McCartney
Sólový zpěv: Paul McCartney
Délka: 3:50

Začátek nahrávání: 26. ledna 1969

Producent: George Martin, Phil Spector

Zvukař: Glyn Johns

Paul McCartney - zpěv, klavír
John Lennon - basová kytara
George Harrison - kytara
Ringo Starr - bicí


Přes vehementní protesty začlenil Phil Spector své úpravy do této skladby. Původné Paulova verze se na světlo světa dostala až na albu Let It Be ...naked.


Ukázka: The Long And Winding Road



Bm7              F#m  A7/9/11   D    D7       G   D/F#  Em
The long and winding road that leads to your door
D            Bm7      Em7            A7    D   D7
Will never disapear, I've seen that road before
G    D              Bm7   Em7    A7       D
It always leads me here, lead me to your door
      Bm       F#m    A7/9/11       D     D7    G   D/F#   Em
The wild and windy night that the rain washed away
     D              Bm7    Em7   A7      D   D7
Has left a pool of tears crying for the day
G     D            Bm7  Em7        A7       D
Why leave me standing here let me know the way
D                G              D                Em7   A7
Many times I've been alone and many times I've cried
D                G             D              Em7   A7
Any way you'll never know the many ways I've tried
     Bm7        F#m    A7/9/11      D     D7      G  D/F#   Em
But still they lead me back to the long winding road
     D                Bm7   Em7              A7   D7   Em7
You left me standing here a long, long time ago ...
        D               Bm7  Em7     A7       D
Don't leave me waiting here lead me to your door


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