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Lady Madonna

21. 12. 2008

Obrazek One




Obrazek Past Masters 2




Obrazek Anthology 2




Obrazek Love




Autor: Paul McCartney
Sólový zpěv: Paul McCartney
Délka: 2:58

Začátek nahrávání: 3. února 1968

Producent: George Martin

Zvukař: Geoff Emerick

Paul McCartney - zpěv, klavír, basová kytara
John Lennon - zpěv, kytara
George Harrison - zpěv, sólová kytara
Ringo Starr - bicí



Ukázka: Lady Madonna



Lady Madonna children at your feet
Wonder how you manage to make ends meet.
Who finds the money when you pay the rent?
Did you think that money was heaven sent?
Friday night arrives without a suitcase
Sunday morning creeping like nun
Monday's child has learned ot tie his bootlace.
See how they'll run.
Lady Madonna baby at your breast
Wonder how you manage to feed the rest.
See how they'll run.
Lady Madonna lying on the bed
Listen to the music playing in your head.
Tuesday afternoon is never ending
Wedn'sday morning papers didn't come
Thursday night your stockings needed mending.
See how they'll run.
Lady Madonna children at your feet
Wonder how you manage to make ends meet.



   A    D        A                D
1. Lady Madonna, children at your feet,

A              D      A  F    G    A
Wonder how you manage to make ends meet?

A             D     A                D
Who finds the money when you pay the rent?

A                  D     A   F   G   A
Did you think that money was hea-ven sent?

Dm                             G
Friday night arrives without a suitcase,

C                               A
Sunday morning creeps in like a nun.

Dm                                    G7
Monday's child has learned to tie his bootlace,

C   Dm       E7
See how they run!

   A    D        A            D
2. Lady Madonna, baby at your breast,

A              D      A  F    G   A
Wonder how you manage to feed the rest.

A    D        A            D
Lady Madonna, lying on the bed,

A             A             F  G    A
Listen to the music playing in your head.

Dm                         A
Tuesday afternoon is never ending,

C                               A
Wednesday morning papers didn't come.

Dm                                   G7
Thursday night your stockings needed mending.

C   Dm       E7
See how they run!

  A    D        A                D
3.Lady Madonna, children at your feet,

A              D      A  F    G    A
Wonder how you manage to make ends meet.





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